Teaching Computer Science In Your Homeschool Made Easy

** This is a sponsored post. I received this product or compensation for review purposes only and was compensated for my time. I was neither asked nor required to share a positive review; all opinions are my own. READ HERE for more information.

I get a lot of questions about when to start teaching computer science and coding, and what to look for in a good code learning tool for homeschoolers. And while there are different approaches to choose from, here’s the bottom line: it’s hard to overestimate the importance of giving your kids a strong computer science foundation.  Even if they’re not ‘math kids’ or don’t have their hearts set on a technical career.

Why Teaching Computer Science Matters

Just looking at the massive technological changes we’ve experienced over the last 20 years is enough to gauge how differently the next 20 are going to look. This has huge implications for what today’s kids should be learning, and teaching computer science should be on our radars. A broad understanding of how technology works doesn’t just open up employment opportunities for our kids, it gives them essential skills to become fully contributing members of society. 

Unfortunately, many parents are reluctant to begin teaching computer science because of a lack of confidence in integrating a technical subject they don’t understand.  That's where CoderZ has stepped up to the plate to help parents overcome this stumbling block, and make STEM and computer science education easy and accessible.

Teaching computer science made easy.

Teaching Computer Science Doesn't Have to Be Intimidating

Developed by world-class educators, CoderZ courses take a discovery-based, interdisciplinary approach to STEM and Computer Science that is scaffolded, making it easy for any kid to learn and for any parent to teach — even with no prior experience (yes, really). Initially designed as a solution to make robotics education more accessible to schools, the CoderZ team believes in teaching computer science with robots, not like one.  

Self-paced online courses are available for kids ranging from age 8-16. They utilize a simple, gamified platform that allows kids to feel challenged and achieve success.  Beginners start with block-based visual editors, while older and more experienced kids learn more advanced, text-based programming.  And when they're ready, they can even join the CoderZ League, a Virtual Robotics Competition that will have them learning and competing with thousands of other kids around the world!

So if you're interested in teaching computer science in your homeschool, CoderZ offers something for everyone.

CoderZ Makes Teaching Computer Science in Your Homeschool Easy

As part of their expansion into serving the growing homeschoolers community, CoderZ has recently adapted their course offering – making now a great time to try their innovative platform, which:

  • helps kids comfortably advance at their own pace with scaffolded, bite-sized missions
  • offers an interdisciplinary, real-world approach to teaching STEM and computer science
  • supports kids in developing a growth mindset with critical life skills such as creative problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration
  • provides step-by-step teaching resources, with walkthroughs of each lesson, instructional videos, and more
Teaching computer science in your homeschool with CoderZ

Starting at just $7.49 a month, CoderZ’s new subscription package includes access to their online learning platform with 300+ missions, 100 hours of activity, and pedagogic support from their friendly, professional staff. You can also take a free test run of their platform before you sign up!

If you’re determined to successfully integrate computer science into your homeschool curriculum, this is a great opportunity to set the foundation.  

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CoderZ coding classes

About the Author

Just a geeky homeschooling mom inspiring digital learning and healthy tech habits for families.

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