Best Apps for Teaching Multiplication Fluency

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Thanks to rising technological advancements, you can find a variety of apps for teaching multiplication fluency. Whether you’re using standard math curriculum books or ready to throw them out the window, chances are your kids could use a little help when it comes to multiplication fluency. While the old technique was to memorize the factors through a series of drilling, this doesn’t work for everyone. 

We’re also fortunate that there are plenty of other tools at our disposal to develop multiplication fluency in more fun and less structured ways. 

Best apps for teaching multiplication fluency in your homeschool.

What is multiplication fluency?

There are a few different ways this is described. But, overall the idea is that once a student is fluent in multiplication they can execute products with little to no additional thought. Traditionally this has meant memorizing the products – and it works for some. But, for some kids it didn’t. 

Utilizing different apps can help learners find a style that really “clicks’ with them and could help fill in those missing pieces that they can't quite seem to crack.

Why is fluency important?

Math lessons build on each other, so if a student hasn’t mastered the skill before moving on, the next lesson is going to be a struggle. This pattern will continue to repeat until they’re truly at an impasse. 

For Quick Practice

These apps are all focused on getting some quick skills covered. They aren’t meant to be used for longer periods of time or as a stand-alone tool but could be used to reinforce or as a “reward” when the lesson is up. 

  • My Math Flashcards App – This is a very simple app that has addition, subtraction, multiplication and division along with hard and easy options. It is a bit more rote and memorization-focused but could work for a quick timed drill exercise.  
  • Math Ninja Times Tables – Earn your way up in the game by completing multiplication puzzles. Definitely a great game for kids who like a challenge and the gamification aspect of play. 
  • Number Frames – This app may be more helpful for younger kids who are in the early stages of multiplication learning. It’s also aligned somewhat with Singapore Math so if this is a curriculum you use it would be a great add-on. 
  • Math  Bingo –  A bit like BINGO and Tetris combined in this fun game. Solve the problems and bring down more creatures.  Learning and playing for sure. 

An Online Solution for Your Child Struggling with Math

A girl doing math homework.

Let’s Learn 

There are several apps on the marketplace now that offer a full (or almost full) curriculum in any number of things – math happens to be one of them! Check out some of these options for full learning. 

Khan Academy

For inexpensive apps that will teach multiplication fluency, Khan Academy is certainly one that needs to be looked at. The fun aspect may not be the same but it can help lay the foundation that can be supplemented with other apps. 

Number Line

If your student is learning multiplication through the use of number lines this is a must. It makes visually learning the processes so much easier and all in one place. 

Operation Math

For older kids that are also fairly confident readers, this is a great game. You’re a spy and have to complete a mission but to do so you’ll need to solve math problems along the way. 

Review and Play

Most of the previous apps were really learning activities with some elements of games. For these, they’re more heavy on the game and less obvious about the learning!

Math vs Zombies

Zombies are attacking and only you and your special math skills are able to stop them! But will it be too late? Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and more as you conquer the undead!

Crazy Times Tables

This game brings the kids into the app by using their pictures and making them part of the game. This personalization makes it feel much more “real” than abstract and engages with kids. 

Sushi Monster

This is a game that’s probably best for slightly older learners as it also has strategy elements beyond just solving math problems. That being said it’s a great game that will reinforce those multiplication skills while getting kids involved and wanting to go keep playing. 

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The Absolutely Best Math Apps for Kids

A boy holding an ipad with math apps.


And there you have it! These resources are low-impact, no-prep applications that can easily be incorporated into your homeschool schedule and lesson plans. I'd love to hear from you: what are some of your go-to apps to help with teaching multiplication fluency (or other math skills)? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Chris Hughes says:

    For quick practice / timed drills, I highly recommend Math Facts – Flash Cards. It is free, very popular and highly rated. I also made an iOS app 12 Twelves, which uses puzzles to keep things fun.

    Both of these apps are for fluency, not developing number sense. Their emphasis is on productivity, which I feel is important since many learning apps focus too much on gamification and dilute their learning potential.

    1. Sara Radginski says:

      Thank you for sharing!

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